
or wilfully negligent I will ship without further quest- ion any merchandise that you say you have ordered and paid for during the last 6 months and have not gotten. You may have written about this in the past and not gotten an answer. This has been due to the lack of time, to the lack of records to check with or because we thought the letter and the shipment crossed in the mail which occurs frequently. Be that as it may, how-

ever, if you will write again and tell me what you think you have coming to you I will send it. Since I have been financially unable to continue to pay Thaa as a secretary she has had to obtain other employment and thus I am back doing everything myself. But this way at least I will know what has been done because I will have done it personally. Of course, this will be a wonderful opportunity for anyone with larceny in bis soul to take advantage of me and ask for things that he never paid for. I hope, however, that you will recognize that I have about all the financial burdens that I can stand already and need your help not your hindrance. I'm trying to be fair with you so please be fair with me. Under the circumstances of getting everything reorganized I am simply unable to answer letters personally which I hope you will understand. I still love you all and wish I could write to each of you, but my strength is limited as is my time. member as a batchelor girl I now have cooking and housekeeping to make demands on my time too.


IX. CHANGE OF PACE? There have been commente made that TRANSVESTIA is too much all the same from one issue to another. I try to vary the fare between fie- tion, articles, histories, true experiences etc. since there are readers that prefer each of these catagor- 108. Yet the subject of TViem ie not endless and per- haps long time readers do get the idea that there is not enough variety. So I ask and would like a r08- ponse.. .do you want to see articles on any other sub- jects in this magazine and if so what? I try to edit this publication in the interests of a variety of diff- erent tastes so if it doesn't suit yours please mako some constructive suggestions. The magazine is for the readers so the readers should be for the magazine.